Link: Can a Windows Phone Web Demo Win Over iPhone and Android users? →

This demo further solidifies why the Windows OS platform is a strong contender. A solid user experience that is both lightweight and dynamic. It’s not about apps but it is about content.

The retina display actually helps their case too — as a savvy consumer I know that the quality of the actual product won’t look as good because it isn’t on an iPhone 4.

Most of the reviews in this Ars article seem to react positively, but they also point to the fact that there is little performance understanding and no indication to how third-party apps will work. But that’s the message Windows wants to send. It is really about the design experience you have when using the OS. Can you get on board with interacting with your phone’s core content in this way?

This is a slick way to get people to see the OS first hand. Microsoft is burdened with having to coerce users to defect from the incumbent platforms, so it is a good move to target both of them directly here.

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